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A member registered Aug 06, 2020

Recent community posts

Absolutely adore this game, love the art, mechanics, and many other things. Glad to see it coming to life so well. I haven't had any technical issues so far, but I would like to see an option for the music to not be sped up on higher speeds.

the ranged enemies have killed me 10 times when i had 20+ relics no joke lol

im kind of interested about the adaptions youll make when making that seing as you have there approval to make it, can you send some pictures to me on discord if you do make it if you dont mind? heckeu#8802 btw if you do


(2 edits)

 i was doing the 4x4 survival, and for over a hundred cards after i went through a tunnel i didnt get a single potion or apple, is that a featurejust bad luck or a glitch? it cost me a game that i was doing absolutely amazing in

best free game ive seen on yet keep up the great work, also, cant wait for the new maps!